Can Coffee Cause Hormonal Acne? - Guide (February 2025)

Can Coffee Cause Hormonal Acne?
Coffee Facts
0 December 25, 2024

While it doesn’t cause acne, some research indicates that coffee may exacerbate it. Although caffeine increases alertness and wakefulness. It also causes the body to react to stress more.

And ultimately, the stress hormones, particularly cortisol, stimulate your sebaceous glands to produce excess oil, potentially leading to more pimples.


Is Coffee Bad for Your Skin?

Is Coffee Bad for Your Skin? ​

Many people feel they cannot work without their morning cup of coffee. It keeps them alert and helps them wake up. The amazing fact is that it helps to make your skin awaken. 

Caffeine makes you feel dehydrated, awake and alert the body. Keep in mind that consuming more coffee consumption i.e. more than 3 cups a day is not suitable for your health. This leads to dehydration, which makes your acne worse.

Suppose you tend to eat sweets with your coffee drink. Using a lot of milk and sugar contributes to acne.

While coffee may not cause acne, some research suggests it can aggravate pre-existing acne. Stress Harmon production increases by caffeine. Adrenaline and cortisol can increase stress levels.

Your body’s sebaceous glands produce more oil due to these hormones. This can lead to more frequent breakouts.

What happens to your skin when you stop drinking coffee

What happens to your skin when you stop drinking coffee

less anxiety

Caffeine gives you an energy boost. It can also mimic the symptoms of anxiety. In these symptoms include such as palpitations, jitters, and even panic attacks. Stress also makes existing acne worse. The less you take, the less likely you are to end up with this reaction and the anxiety that comes with it.

Better sleep

Coffee stays in the body for hours and directly affects the sleep-wake cycle. There are some people which do not find it good consuming coffee before sleeping. Caffeine consumption six hours before going to sleep.

Coffee can disrupt sleep. This leads to acne on the body and face. So avoid using the coffee before sleep if you are already facing the deep sleep issues.

Is Coffee Bad for Skin Aging?

When you drink coffee, your body produces collagen at a slower rate. Protein makes elasticity and firmness of your skin. Wrinkles begin to appear, and your skin begins to sag. As you get older, you build it up slowly. Cutting out caffeine can help prevent the aging process from accelerating.

Does Coffee Dehydrate Your Skin?

Coffee causes dehydration in the skin and body. If you are already facing the dehydration issues, then it’s important to consider the coffee consumption as dehydrated skin is more likely affected by the coffee. Inadequate moisture causes more wrinkled, fine-lined, and visible under the eyes.

Does Caffeine Cause Spots?

Caffeine acts as a natural anti-aging agent. This is a good source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

It helps reduce the appearance of fine wrinkles and dark spots on the skin.

How Do You Drink Coffee Without Getting Acne?

1. select the correct coffee beans

Some people discover how cheap or low-quality coffee beans cause adverse reactions on their skin. Choose premium organic coffee beans to reduce your risk of skin irritation.

2. limit sugar and dairy

Many people enjoy adding dairy and sugar to their coffee. Sugar can increase inflammation. For many people, dairy products can break acne. Try substituting other milk, such as coconut or almond milk.

3. Avoid flavor syrups

These syrups are often found in specialty coffee drinks.

They contain high levels of sugar and also artificial additives, which can worsen acne.

Use natural flavors, such as vanilla essence or cinnamon, or stick to basic coffee.

Does Coffee Cause Wrinkles?

Although caffeine increases alertness and energy. It also reduces the stress-related harmonies in the body. Increased sebum production and the breakdown of collagen. Elastin can lead to increased cortisol levels. This can cause acne on the face of the skin to get fine lines and wrinkles.

Does Coffee Help With Acne?

The antioxidants found in coffee are linked with favorable skin outcomes. But, for some people, adding sugar or milk to their coffee and drinking can aggravate their oily skin. This problem leads to acne.

Most acne sufferers use additives such as sugar and milk while consuming coffee. Your acne is exacerbated If you add sugar to your coffee and drink a lot of milky coffee.

Does Caffeine Dry Your Skin?

Caffeine, praised for its anti-inflammatory properties, is also a stimulant. As a result, the skin may be less hydrated. To optimize the benefits of coffee for skin care. You must maintain a balanced diet.

Water consumption is essential to offset the effect of caffeine. So, the amount of caffeine adjusts according to your lifestyle, products and food.

Does Coffee Cause Pimples?

The research and the evidences show that the coffee makes break out in pimples. Many people conclude that specific ingredients in coffee cause skin reactions. A red, inflamed bump forms when an accumulation of germs, oil, and skin cells that have died occurs.

According to several research, if you already tend to get pimples. Consuming too much coffee may make your pre-existing problems worse. Coffee also has an acidic taste and can dry out the skin. Coffee makes the skin more sensitive and cause serious dryness issues later. 

Does Decaf Coffee Cause Acne?

Regular coffee and decaffeinated coffee most likely have the same anti-inflammatory effects. Caffeine is not the leading cause of acne, and decaf coffee often contains far less caffeine than regular coffee.

Does Quitting Coffee Help Acne?

Coffee contains caffeine. People believe that tis increases stress and hormonal changes and worsens acne. Giving up the beverage may help some people with acne.

Moreover, it has an inherent acidity that can damage sensitive skin. Giving up coffee can also help you stay more hydrated.

But many factors cause acne. The effects of stopping coffee vary from person to person. It’s essential to think about skincare and consult a specialist for specific advice for acne.

Does Quitting Coffee Reduce Inflammation?

Daily drinking coffee has some health benefits. It is linked to a lower incidence of conditions such as colon cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and stroke.

There are different side effects, including pain, recurrent infections, fatigue and digestive problems. This can result from inflammation.


Antioxidants in coffee show positive effects on skin and general health. When the use of coffee in the correct way is good for your skin. If you use excessive amounts of coffee and add milk or sugar, it can cause acne.
A reduced intake of sugar, dairy and caffeine can be beneficial for people. This is also reduced acne. The standard limit for daily caffeine consumption is 400 mg. Many amazing coffee alternatives help to clear coffee.
People with acne that doesn’t get better or keeps getting worse may want to see a dermatologist.

Written By

Kevin Mullen

The Kevin Mullen is a man who is a coffee lover and a fantastic coffee machine-checking expert. He is an electronic specialist by profession and knows the coffee appliances, including the coffee brewing machine and the devices used to design coffee. He is an inhabitant of Brazil, but he loves to visit different countries where coffee is the favorite brew among the people. By visiting those countries, he then mentions his views on coffee. He has been working in this industry for six years and still loves to explore different appliances that have direct or indirect relation with the coffee. He is also a freelancer coffee writer for 5 years and is now working with us for 4 years. All of the coffee brewing products are reviewed after his experience and suggestions. He spends most of his time writing, using & experiencing different coffee-related machines, and visiting the countries where coffee is famous.

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