Let us discuss step-by-step guide lines to descale your delonghi magnifica s coffee maker:
- When the rinse or descale light on the control panel flashes, turn on the to descale your de’longhi.
- Take the filter out, empty the water tank and pour the descaling solution of 100ml. (The brand recommends the EcoDecalk mini descaler) .
- Add 1 liter of fresh clean water up to the level B.
- Place an empty container under the Delonghi coffee maker and wait for the light to come on steady mode.
- Press and hold the descaling button for 5 seconds for the procedure to start.
- When the steam light flashes. Rotate the steam dial half a turn anti-clockwise to the one position.
- The descaler process will start inside the coffee machine.
- After 30 minutes, the water tank is empty, and the water tank steam lights will flash.
- Now turn the steam dial clockwise to the zero position. The Delonghi espresso machine is now ready for rinsing with clean water.
- Empty the container from use de’longhi descaler solution , then refill the tank.
- Pour the clean water in the tank back under the Magnifica coffee maker.
- The steam light flashes, and turn the steam dial anti-clockwise to the one position.
- Hot water comes out of the coffee spout. when empty the water tank, the steam light flashes.
- Turn the dial button to the zero position. The descale light goes off, fill the water tank again .
- The descale process has been completed. Now you can make coffee with your favorite de’longhi magnifica s smart coffee maker.
Generally, we suggest you to descale your machine after every 2 to 3 months. But it also depends on your usage. When coffee grounds mineral buildup at your Delonghi coffee machine, it is time to descale the machine.
To descale your de’longhi machine, the brand also suggest descalers solution. The instructions on how to descale your de’longhi maginfica are mentioned above . Regular cleaning of coffee machines and proper descaling increase the life of the machines and the quality of coffee as well.