Privacy Policy

We are a group of professional coffee lovers, and your privacy is our priority to maintain. This privacy policy includes how we collect the Information and how we use that specific information to communicate, transfer, and use your data for better understanding.

Here are the important points of our privacy policy:

  • We use the Information we collected from you while accepting the cookies only to collect data from different states, ages, and groups of people.
  • Your personal Information is 100% protected and is end to end encrypted with us. So, don’t worry about losing or sharing your Personal Information with anyone from us.
  • All of this personal Information we collect is allowed according to the law, and hence we can collect this Information with your consent.
  • Please note that your data, including name, date of birth, Email ID, and any other Information we collect, is 100% protected from data loss, data transferring, and data copying frauds.

The Information Which We Collect from You

Cookies Policy

It is the Information on which your PC or device stores your files while accepting the cookies. It also includes an identifier as an anonymous person.

Log Files

The function of this Information is to collect data from your device while collecting Personal Information. It includes your IP address, name, Email ID, Internet Server Provider, and the pages which you have visited before for the same niche/criteria.

Web beacons, Tags, and Pixels

This Information detects how you behave with our site, i.e., how much time you spend and what specific page is important to you. In this way, by collecting the Information, our main target is to use this data to better the specific site.

Advertising Programs

We use your Information on some advertising programs, including Amazon and other third-party sites. We show the advertisements programs based on the browsing history on our site, and this Information is collected when we send a log file called a cookie to your site. We do this so that it’s easy for you to buy a specific product or share specific Information with any other third party.

Here are some more ways how we use your Information:

To Share your Information and Interests with the 3rd Parties

We use your personal Information to share your interests and some information with the 3rd parties based on your browsing history on our site. Later, based on your interest, we show you the ads and the services so that we can make the coffee product purchasing process easy for you. These ads include images, videos, texts, and animations related to the coffee products.

So, one of our main purposes is to show your interests. Cookies, beacons, web browsers, and scripts come into this category. So, collect your Information to reach the targeted audience and vice versa. It means we do not share your Information with third parties for ads, but we also show you the targeted products.

Please note that the targeted ads we show you and the other Information you see on our site are 100% authentic, trusted, and authentic.

For the Sake of Communication

We also use your Information to communicate with you based on your interest. And later, upon getting the data, we save it to send you the relevant emails and messages so you may know about our updates and further products. We also deliver the third parties promoting ads and messages, sometimes when it’s the peak time of a product to sell. We attentively listen to your queries by using the way of Information that we designed for you and then respond to the queries.

We also do regular surveys so that we may make changes to our site and blog according to the Information we collect from you.

To Protect Right of Others

We use this Information to know the fraudulent activities on our site, and hence we do not respond to you if you misuse the Information available on our site. We also detect irrelevant and inhibited activities from you on our site.

So, if you are visiting our site, don’t try to make any inhibited activity or any other wrong conduct which we do not even allow. Instead, we suggest you use it only for the benefit and the right purpose.

How We Share Your Information with Others

Here are some of the important ways how we share your Information with others:

Affiliates and Subsidiaries

We share your Information with the Affiliates and Subsidiaries departments, including Amazon. It is so that you can indirectly purchase the products you need from these sites using our affiliate links.

Content Measurements Companies

Another way of collecting and sharing the Information on your site is sharing the Information with the content measurement companies. They observe their content this way and use it to customize and improve the existing content.

To Improve Our Content and Site

The most important thing we do after taking your Information is to improve our site and the content based on your interests. You spend more time on the pages which are useful and appealing to you. At the same time, you spend less time on the site pages, which could be more appealing. So, after a complete observation, we look at the matter deeply and then update those pages which need improvements.

Furthermore, we will update our privacy based on your honest review and suggestions if needed. You can read us about us and contact us pages for more Information about us.